Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Bomb II

a..ha..ha..ha. Bagi yang suka dengan Huru-Hara bisa diterapkan cara ini, hanya dengan modal Potasium Nitrat, Gula, Potongan Paralon atau Kaleng Sarden yang bagian atas dan bawahnya dibiarkan bolong seperti potongan paralon, Baking Soda, Bubuk warna, kapas, Tisu, Selotip, dan Sumbu pemicu, anda bisa membuat BOM ASAP WARNA, jika pengen hasil yang didapatkan lebih besar tinggal memperbesar ukuran BOM dengan komposisi Gula (40%) dan Potasium Nitrat (60%) dan Baking Soda. Anda juga dapat menambahkan Bubuk Merica agar Efek Bom ASAP Pedas Dimata (Wakakkk.. Jadinya GAS AIR MATA donk).
Caranya :
  1. Ambil Potasium Nitrat 60 gram
  2. Gula 40 gram
  3. Campur dalam panci secara merata
  4. Panaskan panci dengan api kecil
  5. Tunggu sampai campuran tadi berbentuk seperti peanut butter
  6. Masukkan Baking Soda 1 sendok makan, dan Bubuk Pewarna secukupnya
  7. Aduk-aduk lagi
  8. Ambil dari panci
  9. Masukkan ke dalam Potongan Paralon / Kaleng Sarden tadi dengan dibagian tengahnya ditancapkan balpoint
  10. Diamkan selama minimal 1 jam
  11. Tarik / ambil ballpoint tadi ke dalam bekas lubang balpoint
  12. Beri sumbu pemicu dan rapatkan dengan kapas
  13. Kemudian Isolasi dengan Lakban sampai bagian samping san bawah tertutup
  14. Rapikan.
  15. Dan Kita siap Ber-AKSI.
(Lebih jelas pembuatan + hasilnya: lihat video diatas)
Penulis tidak bertanggung jawab apabila ada yang meniru…Ini hanya sebagai pengetahuan jika kerabat atau saudara anda membuat sesuatu seperti cara yang saya sebutkan tadi, berarti patut anda curigai..

Bomb making instructions

Pipe bombs are fairly easy to make, but you can also make them out of PETN (pentaerythritetetranitrate), TNT (trinitrotoluene), amatol, cars, trucks, stink bombs, mail, fuel-air, laser guided, fertilizer, molotov, dust, flour, pipe, M-80, you name it. You can make bombs out of all sorts of things, but I'm not going to tell you how. In fact, I haven't got a clue how, but that doesn't stop people from stopping by to ask. I used to have "bomb making instructions" as the title of  (even though I have no idea how to make bombs and never distributed such information). I just love salting search engines with titilating drivel. It was always interesting to crawl through the web log files looking for how many people followed links from search engines looking for bomb making information. There are sometimes a few government and news sites in the logs. More recently, I found entries for people from the following locations looking for bomb-making instructions:
I'm not sure what to make of this, but clearly some countries are more interested in booms than others. It may be people worried about bombs, or people trying to build bombs. Dunno which. The news organizations are probably hot on the trail because they like to sensationalize the dangers of free information on the net. No doubt this is linked to the fact that the Internet is a threat to traditional news and information distribution channels. The feds seem preoccupied with suppression of free speech in the name of "law and order".
Some search engines still have my page indexed for "bomb making instructions" because they don't keep crawling pages they have been to already (that's one way you can detect impending death in a crawler company). For example, Infoseek did not visit my site for several years. They used to list my web page titled "bomb making instructions" right below "Senator Feinstein Amendment to Prohibit Distribution of Bomb Making Info On the Internet". I think I finally shamed them into removing the link. I seem to be , since they have had me ranked highly for the query "bomb making instructions" since their inception
Photo of burning homemade smoke powder.
Photo of burning homemade smoke powder.
Timo Halén
The smoke bomb you would purchase from a fireworks store usually is made from potassium chlorate (KClO3 - oxidizer), sugar (sucrose or dextrin - fuel), sodium bicarbonate (otherwise known as baking soda - to moderate the rate of the reaction and keep it from getting too hot), and a powdered organic dye (for colored smoke). When a commercial smoke bomb is burned, the reaction makes white smoke and the heat evaporates the organic dye. Commercial smoke bombs have small holes through which the smoke and dye are ejected, to create a jet of finely dispersed particles. Crafting this type of smoke bomb is beyond most of us, but you can make an effective smoke bomb quite easily. There are even colorants you can add if you want to make colored smoke. Let's start out with instructions for the easiest/safest type of smoke bomb you can make: Smoke Bomb Materials

  • sugar (sucrose or table sugar)
  • potassium nitrate, KNO3, also known as saltpeter (buy it online or you can find this at some garden supply stores in the fertilizer section, some pharmacies carry it too)
  • skillet or pan
  • aluminum foil 

Making a "Dirty Bomb"

um-137, Cobalt-60, and Americium-241 are considered to be the most likely materials for use in a dirty bomb due to their availability and their relative ease of handling. While uranium and plutonium are much stronger and more lethal agents, they are also the significantly more difficult to acquire and control.


Cesium-137 is a talc-like metallic powder found in cancer treatment radiation machines. It is dangerous even in small amounts and according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cesium-137 has a half-life of 33 years.
For more information on Cesium-137 and its properties and effects, go here: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


A solid metal that is commercially produced for use in medical radiation therapy, food irradiation and linear accelerators. Its half-life is approximately five years, according to the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. The cobalt used in food irradiation takes the form of small, radioactive "pencils." They are shipped in special hardened steel canisters that have been designed and tested to survive crashes without breaking.
For more information on Cobalt-60 and its properties and effects go here: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


This is a man-made radioactive agent that is used in oil drilling and surveying equipment and in very small amounts in household smoke detectors. It has a half-life of 432 years, according to the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
For more information on Americium 241 and its properties and effects go

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